Sleepi Privacy Policy

Updated December 03, 2023

Sleepi’s Privacy Policy describes how Sleepi collects, uses, and shares non-personal data.

In addition to this Privacy Policy, we provide data and privacy information embedded in the product and certain features that ask you to use non-personal data. This product-specific information is accompanied by our Data & Privacy icon.


You will be given an opportunity to review this product-specific information before using these features. You also can view this information at any time, either in settings related to those features and/or online at

This Privacy Policy ("Sleepi Privacy Policy") governs the handling of user data ("user" or "you") within the Sleepi mobile application ("app") by Kavinda Dilshan Paramsoodi, the sole owner ("us," "we," or "our"), and legal entity behind Sleepi. This Privacy Policy complies with the General Data Protection Regulation ("GDPR").

You can familiarize yourself with our privacy practices, accessible via the headings below, and contact us at if you have any questions.

This Privacy Policy is subject to updates, and users are encouraged to review it periodically for any changes.


What Is Non-Personal Data at Sleepi?

At Sleepi, we strongly believe in fundamental privacy rights that should apply universally. Therefore, any data related to an identified or identifiable individual, treated by Sleepi as 'personal data,' includes both direct identifiers, like your name, and indirect identifiers, like the serial number of your device. Anonymous or aggregated data is considered non-personal data for the purposes of this Privacy Policy.

This policy outlines how Sleepi ("product/service") or third-party partners such as Google Firebase & RevenueCat handle non-personal data, whether you interact with us on our product or through service support-related emails. It's important to note that Sleepi's Privacy Policy doesn't extend to how third-party partners define or use non-personal data. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with their privacy policies and understand your privacy rights before interacting with them. For more information on how third-party partners handle your non-personal data, please refer to RevenueCat Privacy Policy and Google Firebase Privacy Policy.

Your Privacy Rights at Sleepi

At Sleepi, we respect your ability to know, and restrict the processing of your data. We have extended these rights to our global customer base. If you choose to exercise these privacy rights, you have the right not to be treated in a discriminatory way nor to receive a lesser degree of service from Sleepi. When you are requested to consent to the processing of non-personal data by Sleepi, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time.

There may be situations where we cannot grant your request — for example, if you ask us to delete your transaction data, and Apple is legally obligated to keep a record of that transaction to comply with the law. We may also decline to grant a request where doing so would undermine Apple's legitimate use of data for anti-fraud and security purposes, such as when you request deletion of an account that is being investigated for security concerns. Other reasons your privacy request may be denied include jeopardizing the privacy of others, being frivolous or vexatious, or being extremely impractical.

Non-Personal Data Sleepi Collects from You

At Sleepi, we believe that you can have a great experience and great privacy. This means that we strive to collect only the non-personal data that we need.

When you purchase and/or activate a subscription plan, download and/or interact with a scene or a sound, or otherwise engage with Sleepi, we may collect a variety of information, including:

Anonymous App User ID: RevenueCat will generate a new random App User ID for you and cache it on the device. In the event that the user deletes and reinstalls the app, a new random App User ID will be generated.

Purchase History Data: RevenueCat collects non-personal data for analytical purposes, such as dashboard features including Customer History, Charts, and Experiments, and for app functionality purposes such as receipt validation to prevent fraud, as well as enabling features via Entitlements. RevenueCat, as a third-party, does not inherently use purchase history to track users across different apps for advertising.

Usage Data & Patterns: Data about your activity on and use of our offerings, such as app launches within our product, including browsing history, search history, product interaction, crash data, performance, and other diagnostic data, as well as other usage data.

Interaction Data: Data about how you navigate through the app, information about the scenes and sounds you interact with, their functionality-related data such as download status, most interacted sound or scene, duration of usage, etc.

You are not required to provide the non-personal data that we have requested. However, if you choose not to do so, in many cases, we will not be able to provide you with our services or respond to requests you may have.

Sleepi's Use of Non-Personal Data

Sleepi utilizes non-personal data to power our services, process your transactions, communicate with you, ensure security and fraud prevention, and comply with the law. Additionally, we may use user data for other purposes with your consent.

Depending on the circumstance, Sleepi may rely on your consent or the necessity of processing to fulfill a contract with you, protect your vital interests or those of other individuals, or comply with the law. We may also process non-personal data where we believe it is in our or others’ legitimate interests, taking into consideration your interests, rights, and expectations. More information is available in the product-specific information embedded in our product and features, as described above.

Power Our Services: Sleepi collects personal data necessary to enhance our services, including non-personal data for internal purposes such as auditing, data analysis, or troubleshooting. For example, when you access a sound or scene through a Sleepi subscription, we collect data on the sound or scene you play to provide you with the requested content and for royalty purposes.

Process Your Transactions: To process transactions, Sleepi must collect data such as your App User ID, purchase history, and subscription plan information.

Communicate with You: We use your data to respond to communications, provide information about your transactions, offer relevant details, or request information or feedback.

Sleepi does not use algorithms or profiling to make decisions significantly affecting you without the opportunity for human review. We also refrain from using or disclosing sensitive personal data for purposes requiring a user to exercise a right to limit processing under California law.

Sleepi retain non-personal data only for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected, as described in this Privacy Policy or our service-specific privacy notices, or as required by law. When assessing retention periods, we carefully examine whether retaining the collected non-personal data is necessary and, if so, strive to retain it for the shortest possible period permissible under the law.

Sleepi's Sharing of Non-Personal Data

Sleepi may share non-personal data with partners, developers, and publishers. Importantly, Sleepi does not share non-personal data with third parties for their marketing purposes.

Partners: At times, Sleepi collaborates with third parties to provide services or other offerings. For instance, Sleepi subscription plans are facilitated by Apple and RevenueCat. Sleepi mandates its partners to protect your non-personal data.

Developers and Publishers from Whom You Get a Subscription: If you purchase a third-party subscription within the app, Apple creates a unique Subscriber ID for you and the developer or publisher. This ID may be used to generate reports for the developer or publisher, including details about the subscription you purchased and your country of residence. If you cancel all subscriptions from a particular developer or publisher, the Subscriber ID resets after 180 days if you do not resubscribe. This information is shared with developers or publishers to help them understand the performance of their subscriptions.

Sleepi does not sell non-personal data, as defined in Nevada and California. Additionally, Sleepi does not “share” non-personal data, as per the definition in California.

Protection of Non-Personal Data at Sleepi

At Sleepi, we believe in the symbiotic relationship between great privacy and robust security. We employ technical safeguards to protect non-personal data, considering the nature of the data, the processing involved, and potential threats. Continual efforts are made to enhance these safeguards, ensuring the security of non-personal data remains a top priority.pastedImage
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